Wide 40mm & 50mm Martingale Velvet collars

These collars are suitable for Whippets,Greyhounds, Galgos, Wolfhounds, Deerhounds, Salukis, all Lurchers and other large dogs with long necks. 

These collars are made for walking/lead attachment. They are really too wide to be used as an indoor/house collar.

If you choose a solid colour say, "Purple' collar will be purple velvet with purple satin lining. If you want a "Dolly's Mixtures" as shown in first image, please select that option and message me your colour choices at checkout. I have all different colours of satin to line all different colours of velvet. I have leads to match all colours and "Dolly's Mixtures" please choose "Perfect Match" here.

Please measure your dogs mid neck in inches. See how to measure and important information about styles here: How to measure for your Kitsch Collar

All collars have satin linings. All are washable at 40 in a machine. The fittings are solid brass. Super strong and tough for outdoor walkies. Go on, chuck that uncomfortable leather collar away!

£0.00 £22.00
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