Sunday 14th January 2018
I don't know if all of you are aware of the story of our little Scampi. He was rescued from a puppy mill by the lovely people at Hounds First. He arrived here as a foster puppy, his back legs were malformed and soon after he was diagnosed with progressive retinal atrophy. He is now 4.
Sadly at Christmas the lense in his right eye detached due to the overall deteriation and this caused some pain. Because he is blind the vet advised the best course is to remove the whole eye.
Scampi's operation is tomorrow.
I know he will be fine. In fact he has such spirit and lust for life that this will not hold him back one little bit. What is upsetting is that were it not for puppy mills the whole thing is entirely avoidable.
As for those that profit from misery, abuse and who only use animals for financial gain, I can only hope their time is coming. An eye for an eye you might say. I have such hatred for them it hurts, but I know that Scampi would forgive. Such is the happy soul that he is.
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